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How to get out of a reading slump

We’ve all been there. We love reading, we’ve got lots of beautiful unread books on our shelves that we can’t wait to read, yet no matter how hard we try we just cannot seem to get back into reading. Perhaps you’re finding yourself reaching for your phone instead, or you’re struggling to concentrate. If you’re ready to get out of your reading slump, we’re here to help.

We’ve got seven tips to help you find your way back to books. Not all of them will work for you, but try a combination of them and see what sticks. Good luck!

1. Start small

This is one of our favourite ways to get out of a reading slump. It doesn’t happen overnight and is one of the longer methods, but we’ve found it to be the most fool proof. Start by promising yourself that you will read for five minutes today. That’s all, just five. Don’t set a timer, but sit down and make note of the time in your mind. Then get reading. When you think five minutes have passed, have a check. If they have, you’re done for today if you want to be.

This may sound silly, but before long you’ll find that your five minutes a day naturally becomes ten, then thirty, then every spare moment when you find a book that hooks you. Try it!

2. Don’t be afraid to DNF

This is something we’ve have only started doing in the past year, which means for thirty years beforehand we were continuing through books we just didn’t love because we couldn’t comprehend the thought that it’s ok to DNF (Did Not Finish). Your reading slump could be because the book you’re reading isn’t for you, and that’s okay. There are so many books and so little time, it’s freeing to know that if you’re not feeling it after a few chapters you can let it go and move on.

3. Try a different format

This tip is not for everyone, because we all have our preferred reading formats, but if you’re in a slump it could help boost you out. If you’re reading a paperback, why not try switching to audiobook or the Kindle app. It doesn’t have to be forever, but maybe that new format will kickstart things again and you can go back to what you prefer once you’re in the swing of things.

4. Try a different genre

You could also try a different genre. We often combine this tip and tip number three by switching to non-fiction on a Kindle, but sometimes simply swapping from a fantasy novel to a lighter romance is what’s needed in the moment. This doesn’t mean you have to DNF the fantasy if you think you’ll enjoy it another time, of course.

5. Reread a book you know you love

Now’s the time to consider a reread. Is there a book you read in a one sitting and just fell head over heels in love with? Dig it out and read it again. Trust us.

6. Set screentime limits

If your phone is part of the problem (as it often is for us) you can set screentime limits. It is possible to override them so you need to have willpower too, but the reminder that you’ve spent an hour on Instagram might be what you need to snap you out of the infinite scroll.

7. Read somewhere different

Our final tip is to read somewhere different. If you tend to read in a certain spot, why not shake it up. Try reading in bed before lights out, or in the garden in the sun. You could even take your book for a walk and stop at a bench for a chapter or two. If you really love that certain spot and it’s the most convenient, can you make it feel more special? A new cushion? A candle and a new mug? Perhaps it’s time for a new look nook!

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