Home » Where Is The Cheese – A Fun First Board Game

Where Is The Cheese – A Fun First Board Game

Board games for preschoolers don’t have to be garish and tedious. Where Is The Cheese is a fun introduction to board games for kids 3+ and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

If you’re anything like us, one of the things you’ll look forward to most when you’re a parent to young kids is starting a tradition of family board game nights. You might be thinking you need to wait until your kids are nearing ten before playing anything remotely interesting, but you’d be mistaken. There are some games you can introduce to kids as young as three that you might even find yourself enjoying, although don’t expect much in the way of brain stretching or meaningful competition just yet.

Where Is The Cheese by Londji is one such game, a simple observation game that delights with artwork that’s easy on the eye and doesn’t include any cartoon characters or garish colour schemes. It’s a game that can be enjoyed by a variety of ages, so if you have older kids too they’ll be keen to join in.

Simply place the many tiles on the table face up, then give each player a player card. Turn over a card and find the matching food item among the tiles as quickly as you can. The first person to find it gets to put the tile on their card, filling one of the 10 holes. The first person to fill all 10 is the winner.

You can also adapt the came to be collaborative if you want to take the competition element out, which is especially helpful for little ones that don’t have much chance competing against their older siblings.

You can buy Where Is The Cheese from The Kid Collective, Bright New Things or All The Kids. We’ve seen it on offer for around £18 so keep an eye out for a price drop to that level.

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