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What We’re Watching This Week: TV & Movies

An overview of everything we’ve been watching this week across streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+

Here at The Nookish, we love getting stuck in to TV shows and movies, new and old. In our weekly round-ups, we will be sharing everything we’ve been watching, whether that’s new releases that everyone is talking about, blasts from the past or hidden gems we’ve found buried in the libraries of our favourite streaming services. Some of these are shows we’ve seen before, some are shows we’re not even half way through finishing, but we’re sharing it all in the hopes you’ll find something to entertain you on a cosy night in. Let us know in the comments what you’ve been watching, and whether or not we should give it a try!

The Mentalist – Amazon Prime

We loved this crime drama years ago when it was first released, but never quite managed to finish the full seven seasons, so when we realised it was available to stream in its entirety on Prime, we couldn’t resist starting all over again.

It’s a reasonably light-hearted murder mystery show that follows Patrick Jane, a former psychic (he admits he was a fraud) who is now a consultant for the CBI after his wife and child are murdered by serial killer Red John.

The characters are what really makes this show. Despite its heart breaking premise and some very tense episodes, you’ll find it filled with lots of humour and generally fun and entertaining mysteries that are solved within each episode. We’re on season five now and we’d say as of season three it started to get really good and worth recommending.

Watch on Amazon Prime

Outer Banks – Netflix

This has been a slow burner, but we know so many people that love Outerbanks so we wanted to give it a shot. It’s a fun and thrilling show that follows a group of teenagers as they attempt to uncover long lost treasure. There are some high octane moments, some sweet romance plots and some jaw-dropping cliffhangers. We’re almost at the end of season one.

Watch on Netflix

Bridgerton – Netflix

It took us a while to get round to watching Queen Charlotte, but ah man what a series that was. We cried our eyes out as the final credits rolled. It might be the best Bridgerton season yet. It’s romantic, it’s spicy, it’s thought provoking and it’s heart breaking. Brimsley and Reynolds are our favourites and we NEED to know more about what happened to them!

Watch on Netflix

Manifest – Netflix

We’re only two episodes into Manifest but it’s right up our street. It’s giving us Lost vibes with all the mystery and magic.

Watch on Netflix

Ahsoka – Disney+

All eight episodes of Ahsoka are now available to stream on Disney+. We’ve watched them all and, whilst we definitely enjoyed it, it’s not our favourite of the Disney+ Star Wars Series. We just couldn’t quite connect with Ahsoka as a character, but it set the scene nicely for what we imagine will be several more series based on this new storyline.

Watch on Disney+

Loki – Disney+

Episode one of Loki is also now available on Disney+. As with anything relating to time travel, it’s a bit on the mind-boggling side, but the combination of humour and action makes a perfect storm. We can’t wait for the next one.

Watch on Disney+

Elemental – Disney+

Our list is lacking in movies this week, but we have been fond of Elemental, the latest movie from Pixar. The world building is phenomenal, the characters are a delight and the animation is a feast for the eyes. It’s a really thought-provoking story about discrimination, immigration and race, too.

Watch on Disney+

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